Rainy PNW Engagement | Mukilteo Lighthouse park | Mukilteo, WA
We all know PNW weather during the fall time the weather can change in five minutes! The drive over the Bride Sara was texting me that see say blue sky’s as the rain poured and covered my windshield. But her absolutely optimistic attitude I just knew this would be a fun session rain or shine. When I arrived to meet Sarah and Brian they had came prepared with rain jackets galoshes and even towels to cover and dry things off. When we started the session the rain was still continuing but about 5 minutes into the True life PNW weather showed it true form and was beautiful for the rest of the session at the Mukilteo park we say blue skys and the rain had stopped. They are having a late 2018 summer wedding in Texas we wanted to be sure to tell the true life story of Washington weather and the fun beaches, rocky sand, ferrys we have, so all their family and friends that would see the images at their wedding next summer down in Texas would be able to see.
Like The Touch Of Rain – Poem by Edward Thomas
Like the touch of rain she was
On a man’s flesh and hair and eyes
When the joy of walking thus
Has taken him by surprise:
With the love of the storm he burns,
He sings, he laughs, well I know how,
But forgets when he returns
As I shall not forget her ‘Go now’.
Those two words shut a door
Between me and the blessed rain
That was never shut before
And will not open again.
Mukilteo Lighthouse Park – 609 Front St, Mukilteo, WA 98275